Call for Papers

1st International Conference on
Energy, Environment and Green Technology
(ICEEGT 2025)
(For a Greener Future)

April 3-4, 2025
Venue: NITTTR Kolkata

Department of Electrical Engineering
National Institute of Technical Teachers'
Training & Research, Kolkata
Block-FC, Sector-III, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700106, INDIA

About the Institute

The National Institute of Technical Teachers' Training & Research (NITTTR), Kolkata, originally established as the Technical Teachers' Training Institute (TTTI) in 1965, was the first of four such institutes set up by the Ministry of Education, Government of India. The other three institutes are located in Chandigarh, Bhopal, and Chennai. These institutes were created as fully centrally funded autonomous institutions to provide pre- service and in-service training to teachers and staff of degree and diploma- level technical institutions. They also play a crucial role in various activities aimed at improving the quality of the technical education system across the country. In recognition of their significant contributions to enhancing the quality of technical education, the Government of India accorded national status to NITTTR Kolkata and its sister institutes in 2003. The Institute's core activities include Education & Short-term Training, Curriculum Development, Learning Resources Development, Research & Development, and Extension Services & Consultancy. AICTE recognizes the short-term training programs conducted by NITTTR Kolkata for consideration under the Career Advancement Scheme (CAS). Additionally, the Institute offers four AICTE-approved, two-year M.Tech. programs in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Green Manufacturing, Mechatronics Engineering, and Structural Engineering. Recently, NITTTR Kolkata was granted "Deemed University" status by the UGC. NITTTR Kolkata is involved in several national-level projects, such as serving as the nodal agency for the centrally sponsored Community Polytechnic Scheme and designing AICTE-sponsored induction training programs for new engineering and polytechnic teachers. The Institute is also facilitating the integration of Persons with Disabilities (PWD) into mainstream technical and vocational education. With highly qualified faculty and state-of-the-art infrastructure, including well-equipped laboratories, NITTTR Kolkata continues to expand its reach, establishing extension centers in Guwahati and Bhubaneswar, and extending its services to technical and vocational institutions in SAARC and ASEAN countries.

About Department

The Department of Electrical Engineering is a core part of the Institute, known for its highly qualified faculty drawn from premier institutions across the country. It has established itself as a leader in offering Long Term and Short-Term Training Programs in Electrical, Electronics, and Instrumentation Engineering, meeting the needs of educators in the Eastern region and nationwide. Faculty members are deeply engaged in cutting edge research in various areas, including Electrical Drives, Measurement and Instrumentation, Medical Electronics, Microcontrollers, PLCs, and Control Systems. The Department is also advancing research in key areas of electrical engineering, such as renewable energy systems, power electronics, smart grids, and energy storage technologies. These efforts contribute to the development of energy-efficient systems and the integration of renewable energy into power networks. In addition to research, the Department provides consultancy services to technical institutions and manages educational projects supported by industries, governments, and international bodies. These activities enhance the connection between academia and industry, promoting innovation and practical application of new technologies. Since the 2005-2006 academic year, the Department has offered M.Tech program in Mechatronics Engineering, addressing the growing demand for expertise in automation industries.

Objectives of the Conference

ICEEGT 2025 is the 1st International Conference on Energy, Environment, and Green Technology, which is being organized by the Department of Electrical Engineering, NITTTR Kolkata, India during 3rd - 4th April 2025.This conference will provide an opportunity to the practicing engineers, academicians and researchers to meet in a common forum to discuss various issues and its future direction in the field of Energy, Environment and Green Technology developments. The different tracks in the conference mainly focus on the sustainable energy, green technologies and computing. This conference will be an interdisciplinary platform for the researchers to contribute their research works that address development and methodologies for the futuristic sustainable smart energy system.


  • Shri Sajjan Bhajanka, BOG Chairman, NITTTR Kolkata
General Chair(s):
  • Prof. Debi Prasad Mishra, NITTTR Kolkata
  • Tarlochan Sidhu, Ontario Tech University, Canada
Technical Program Committee Chair(s):
  • R.T. Naayagi, Newcastle University, Singapore
  • Subrata Chattopadhyay, NITTTR Kolkata, India
Advisory Board:
  • Ahmed Zobaa, Brunel University London, UK
  • Akshay Kumar Saha, University of KwaZulu-Natal, SA
  • Akshya Kumar Swain, University of Auckland, NZ
  • Anil Kumar, NITTTR Kolkata, India
  • Arvind Rai, Star Cement, Shillong, Meghalaya, India
  • Antonio J. Marques Cardoso, U B I, Portugal
  • Bidyadhar Subudhi, NIT Warangal, India
  • Chandan K Chanda, IIEST Shibpur, India
  • Chem Nayar, Curtin University, Australia
  • Dipankar Bose, NITTTR Kolkata, India
  • Fei Gao, UTBM, Belfort Cedex, France
  • Josep M. Guerrero, AAU Energy, Denmark
  • Jose Luis Rueda Torres, TU Delft, Netherlands
  • Narayana Prasad Padhy, MNIT Jaipur, India
  • Pawan Sharma, UiT Arctic University, Norway
  • Pierluigi Siano, University of Salerno, Italy
  • Ranjan Dasgupta, NITTTR, Kolkata, India
  • Sailendra Nath Mandal, NITTTR, Kolkata, India
  • Shunbo Lei, Chinese University of Hong Kong, China
  • Soumitra Kumar Mandal, NITTTR Kolkata, India
  • Sivaji Chakravorti, Jadavpur University, India
  • Sukumar Mishra, IIT Dhanbad, India
  • Yam Siwakoti, University of Technology, Australia
  • Venkata Yaramasu, Northern Arizona University, US
  • Volker Pickert, Newcastle University, UK
  • Mete Vural, Gaziantep University, Turkey
  • Zbigniew Leonowicz, Wroclaw UST, Poland
Technical Program Committee:
  • Amalendu Patnaik, IIT Roorkee, India
  • Anup Kumar Panda, NIT Rourkela, India
  • Arup Kumar Goswami, NIT Silchar, India
  • Ashok Kumar Pradhan, IIT Kharagpur, India
  • Ashok Ranjan Bhoi, IFCAL, India
  • B.Chitti Babu, IIITDM Kancheepuram, India
  • Debashisha Jena, NIT Surathkal, India
  • Kaibalya Prasad Panda, PDEU, Gujarat, India
  • Kunwar Raghvendra Sing, NITTTR Kolkata
  • Mahesh K. Mishra, IIT Madras, India
  • Mandakinee Bandyopadhyay, IEM Kolkata, India
  • Nutan Saha, VSSUT Burla, India
  • N. Kumaresan, NIT Tiruchirappalli, India
  • P. Rangababu, NIT Meghalaya, India
  • Prakash Kumar Ray, OUTR Bhubanswar, India
  • Pravat Kumar Ray, NIT Rourkela, India
  • Praveen Tripathy, IIT Guwahati, India
  • Rangababu P, IIITDM Kurnool, India
  • Ranjan Kumar Behera, IIT Patna, India
  • Santanu Borgohain, NIELIT Shillong, India
  • Sanjeev Kumar Padmanaban, Aarhus University, DK
  • Shubhrata Gupta, NIT Raipur, India
  • Siva Kumar K, IIT Hyderabad, India
  • Srijan Bhattacharya, RCCIIT, Kolkata, India
  • Subrata Banerjee, NIT Durgapur, India
  • Sze Sing Lee, Newcastle University, Singapore
  • Trapti Jain, IIT Indore, India
Publicity Chair(s):
  • Deepak Mehera, NITTTR Kolkata, India
  • Sheela Yadav Rai, NITTTR Kolkata, India
Finance Chair(s):
  • Gayadhar Panda, NITTTR Kolkata, India
  • Subrata Chattopadhyay, NITTTR Kolkata, India
Organizing Chair(s):
  • Gayadhar Panda, NITTTR Kolkata, India
  • Sagarika Pal, NITTTR Kolkata, India

Topics to be Covered

Scope of the ICEEGT 2025

Following topics will be covered, but not limited to:

  1. Sustainable and Renewable Energy Sources
  2. Energy Access, Security, and Resilience
  3. Innovative Clean Energy Technologies
  4. Recent Advantage in Green Technology
  5. Energy Efficiency and Smart Management Strategies
  6. Power Electronics for Renewable Energy Applications
  7. Advanced Control Techniques for Energy Sustainability
  8. Electric Vehicles, Battery Technologies, and Charging Infrastructure
  9. Waste-to-Energy Solutions for a Circular Economy
  10. Smart Grids and Microgrids for Future Energy
  11. AI and Machine Learning in Intelligent Energy Grids
  12. Climate Change Mitigation, Risk, and Adaptation
  13. Cyber-Physical Systems for Sustainable Development
  14. Bioenergy and Biofuels
  15. Energy Policy, Planning, and Risk Assessment
  16. Power Systems: Stability, Protection, and Resilience
  17. Digital Twins for Sustainable Energy Optimization
  18. Solid Waste, Air Pollution Control, and Recycling Innovations
  19. Environmental Impact Assessments and Pollution Mitigation


All accepted, registered and presented papers in the conference will be published in the Springer Book Series Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering. This series is indexed by EI Compendex and Scopus at a bases

A few selected papers will be considered for future publication in the following journals:

  • International Journal of Emerging Electric Power
  • Indian Journal of Environmental Protection
  • Environmental Science and Pollution Research

Call for Papers:


Registration Fee
Industry/Research Professional :     INR 8000/-
Faculty :     INR 5000/-
Students/ Research Scholars :     INR 3000/-
Foreign Faculty :     USD 250/-
Foreign Students :     USD 200/-
Foreign Delegates :     USD 300/-

Payment Details:

Registration fee to be paid through bank transfer using the account details given below:

Name of Account  :  National Institute of Technical Teachers' Training & Research, Kolkata
Bank Account No.   :  089301000009220
Bank Name  :  Indian Overseas Bank
Bank Address  :  Salt Lake City, Block EA, Sector I, Kolkata 700064
IFSC Code  :  IOBA0000893

Important Dates

Submission Deadline: :   25th January 2025 10th February 2025
Acceptance :   10thMarch 2025
Registration :   28thMarch 2025